A set of scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial
Project description
This set of scripts allows to work locally on Subversion-managed projects using the Mercurial distributed version control system.
Why use Mercurial ? You can do local (disconnected) work, pull the latest changes from the SVN server, manage private branches, submit patches to project maintainers, etc. And of course you have fast local operations like "hg log", "hg annotate"...
Three scripts are provided:
initializes an SVN checkout which is also a Mercurial repository.hgpullsvn
pulls the latest changes from the SVN repository, and updates the Mercurial repository accordingly. It can be run multiple times.hgpushsvn
pushes your local Mercurial commits back to the SVN repository.
Making a checkout of the Django_ trunk::
$ mkdir django && cd django
# Make SVN checkout, initialize hg repository with first SVN revision
$ hgimportsvn http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk/
$ cd trunk
# Pull all history from SVN, creating a new hg changeset for each SVN rev
$ hgpullsvn
Then make your changes and use the "hg" commands to commit them locally. If you have commit privileges you can push back your changes to the SVN repository::
$ hgpushsvn
If you want to see what will be pushed back to SVN, use the "-n/--dry-run" flag. This is much like the "hg outgoing" command::
$ hgpushsvn --dry-run
.. _Django: http://www.djangoproject.com
Just type easy_install hgsvn
. If easy_install is not available on
your computer, download and uncompress the source tarball, then type
python setup.py install
. Type python setup.py install --help
for additional options.
Note: hgsvn makes use of the ElementTree library. It is bundled by default with Python 2.5, and the setup script should install it automatically for you if you are using Python 2.4. However, if you get some error messages, you might have to install it manually (at least one user reported he had to).
Unstable (development) version
Just run hg clone http://bitbucket.org/andialbrecht/hgsvn hgsvn
and you'll
get the contents of the development repository.
Graceful operation
asks for SVN log entries in chunks, so that pulling history does
not put the remote server on its knees.
can be interrupted at any time, and run again later: you can pull
history incrementally.
hgsvn reflects commit times (using the local timezone) and commit author names. Commit messages can contain Unicode characters. File copies and renames as reflected as well, provided they occur inside the branch.
tags each new Mercurial changeset with a local tag named
'svn.123' where 123 is the number of the corresponding SVN revision.
Local tags were chosen because they don't pollute the hg log with
superfluous entries, and also because SVN revision numbers are only
meaningful for a specific branch: there is no use propagating them
you can assign this tags manualy to provide hgvsn scripts operation
on repository from any revision
Named branches
These scripts encourage the use of named branches. All updates using
are made in the branch named from the last component of the
SVN URL (e.g., if the SVN URL is svn://server/myproj/branches/feature-ZZZ,
will create and use the named branch 'feature-ZZZ').
You can thus do local development using your own named branches. When you
want to fetch latest history from the SVN repository, simply use hgpullsvn
which will update to the original (pristine) branch, leaving your local work
intact (you can then merge by yourself if your want).
This also means that hg di -r name-of-pristine-branch
will immediately
give you a patch against the pristine branch, which you can submit to the
project maintainers.
(Note: in a non-trivial setup where you work on several features or bugfixes, you will clone the pristine repository for each separate piece of work, which will still give you the benefit of named branches for quickly generating patches).
Named branches map and Hystory tree
default hg-branch naming can be overriden by option --branch=
hystory of svn-to-hg branches mapping saves into a map-file .hgsvn/branches.map this contents of strings with pairs: svn-root-path=hg-branch-name it can be edited manual, or new pairs can append by option --branch-add= appending and updating this file controls by option -mapbranch=
hgpull\pushsvn automaticaly recognises current hg-branch and svn-branches, and using this map can pull\push hystory tree. now pull\push stops at merge points by default, to enable this operation use option: --merge-branch=(push\pull | try<push\pull> | skip ...
hgpullsvn: can automaticaly open named branch as svn-branch mirror, when ones map provided.
hgpushsvn: start of new svn-branch mirrors current hg`s one can be do now follows: update svn+hg to desired branch base rev. tag\switch from there svn to apropriated svn-branch name update hg to some rev in desired branch hgpullsvn -l --branch-add== and so current hg-branch pushes into new svn one. it is nesesary for hgpushsvn to have svn-synched base of desired branch, and a valid branch map to know where to push it
Detecting parent repository
If the SVN URL has been created by copying from another SVN URL (this is the
standard method for branch creation), hgimportsvn
tries to find an hgsvn
repository corresponding to the parent SVN URL.
It then creates the new repository by cloning this repository at the revision
immediately before the creation of the SVN branch.
In other words, let's say you are operating from myworkdir/. In myworkdir/trunk,
you already have an hgsvn repository synced from svn://server/myproj/trunk.
You then hgimport svn://server/myproj/branches/new-feature
. It will find
that the 'new-feature' branch has been created by copying from 'trunk'
at rev. 1138. It will thus create the 'new-feature' hg repository by cloning
from the 'trunk' repository at the revision immediately preceding rev. 1138:
for example rev. 1135, identified by the local tag 'svn.1135'.
This means you will have an hgsvn repository containing two named branches: 'trunk' for all the changesets in the trunk before rev. 1138, and 'new-feature' for all the changesets in the SVN branch (therefore, after rev. 1138). This way, you can easily track how the branch diverges from the trunk, but also do merges, etc.
SVN externals are purposefully ignored and won't be added to your Mercurial repository.
hgsvn 0.6.0
- py3.8 support
- tox testing
hgsvn 0.5.2 ! py3 trivial fixes ! push hgsvn 0.5.0 ! setup updated, and win8 powershell fixed
hgsvn 0.5.0
- svnhead bookmark - provides bookmark topmost synced rev with bookmark "svnhead", and tophost synced rev of every branch as "svnhead/<hg_branch_name>" ! py3.4 compatibity provided on error messages of hgclient
hgsvn 0.4.0
- py3.4 compatibity provided, and success test by hgsvnpush
hgsvn 0.3.16 ! svn:locale:url - svn url now decodes and can be nationalised !
hgpushsvn --auto-start-branch now creates branch in svnrepo, if it have maped !
hgpushsvn - "through revision", and some another bugs fixed ! pull - fixed svn sync revision loose for -l option- setuptools 20 migrated
- start Python3.4 compatibility
hgsvn 0.3.15 ! hgpush - few fixes of branch-map detection, svn copy/add pathes, merge proof on mixed-source wc, cleanup wc for avoid mixed sources, fixed message for commit that crushes svn 1.9
hgsvn 0.3.13
hgpullsvn --noversioned_change=<skip|abort(default)>
- allows ignore when try delete files that not versioned. ! fix crach for above situation for files that not versioned and absent
hgsvn 0.3.12 ! hgpush - anonimous branches has tested in situation with multiple heads in current branch. option -l now use current hg-rev as point that directs hystory when choose between multiple anonimous branches, or to drop aside heads.
hgsvn 0.3.11 ! hgpush - issue #107 David Johansen : hgsvn fails when file deleted in moved directory accepted and fixed
hgsvn 0.3.10
- hgpush - now automaticaly detects started svn-branch on maped hg-branch, that not yet synced, and try to sync one with hg-branch. now to start synch new hg-branch need only 'svn tag' origin svn-revision to maped svn-branch.
hgsvn 0.3.9 ! push - hg v3.4 fixed bug for log --follow option
hgsvn 0.3.8
! hgpush - now -l option can ommits WC changes if svn status = not changed
hgsvn 0.3.7
! hgpush - fix anonim branches confuses, now they not interfere, on trypush and skip modes pushed are first branch
hgpush --autoimport
- now can auto start push on empty svn repo that not syncronised yet- pull : merge - now automated prompts on hg mergeing ! test fixed unittests
hgsvn 0.3.6
! hgpush - fix broken hg deletes detection
hgsvn 0.3.5
! hglib - fix hg operations with files with national characters
hgsvn 0.3.4
! svn
- critical fix of determining replaced and deleted svn status
! hgpullsvn -l
- now normaly switch to hg branch to clean state
hgsvn 0.3.0
- migrate to this lib for hg commands invoking. it must provide faster execution due hgserver standup once and ready for all script session hgsvn 0.2.6
! hgpullsvn
fixed loose svn changes when starts with svn is not clean due to
update just merge changes. now more stict svn status check after update
with -f and -l options there no break by hg durty status if svn status is clean
hgsvn 0.2.5
! hgpullsvn
now svn status tree-conflicted take care, ignoring of one causes
to loose fileadded\deleted changes
hgsvn 0.2.4
! hgpullsvn
remove files from hg-control try to "hg forget" if "hg remove"
can`t delete ones
! hgpushsvn
- invoke snv cleanup after resolve if one reports error
"Run 'svn cleanup'"
- now can start push branch that have no syn-revs, but have synced branch origin revision, and branch-maping defined
hgsvn 0.2.3
! hgpushsvn
issue89 - revision with "Nothing to do" tags by last svn.rev
after last push
! --svn-accept
= "working" by default now, this helps resolve conflicts
to merge and switch svn
hgsvn 0.2.2
default is "working"
! strategy of evaluate sync start point: now if it was not defined peg revision, it try to found last synched rev wich from to push in current svn branch; if --hg-follow defined, then it try to switch svn to current hg branch, and find last synched revision if peg revision defined, then it switches svn to it, and start push\pull into it from current hg revision
hgsvn 0.2.1
hgpullsvn --hg-follow
- option renamed from --hg-branch.hgpushsvn --hg-follow
- on clean working dir, this option force svn switch to last synched rev of current hg-branch
hgpullsvn "--subrepo=<[break]|skip>"
- if 'skip' - pulling ommit changes occures in subrepositiories
hgsvn 0.2.0
add support pull\push merge revisions, and automation of push\pull dependent branches --merge-branches = (push/pull | trypush/trypull | skip | break) - defines how to process merge-points : push/pull - synchronize dependent branches skip - process them as ordinary revisions break - stops on it trypush/trypull - synches branches if can, else process like skip
merge branches automation bases on branch-maping to . this map accumulates in file .hgsvn/branches.map, and it can be edited manualy. accumulation controled by this options: --mapbranch=<[n][o][a]> - set branches.map update mode: allow add, overwrite mapings to one --branch-add='=' - add/overwrite maping
hgpullsvn --hg-branch
- pulling can switch svn to current hg branch and pull one from last sync point. in contrast standart behaviour requires to pull from current svn revision
hgpushsvn --svnignore-use
- append node to .hgsvn/.svnignore - list of files wich is ignored from push\pull process. ordinary there should be .hgtags
``--svn-accept=<X>`` - allow override default ``svn merge --accept`` option
- declares used maximum log line length
- this option now automaticaly setup --terminal-width=250
hgsvn 0.1.9
Improved handling of files containing @ sign in filename (issue52).
hgimportsvn --branch=myname
imports the SVN repository to a named Mercurial branch other than 'default' (patch by Matthias Benkmann). -
hgpullsvn --svn-retry
retries to retrieve information on flaky connections (patch by Stefanus Du Toit). -
Restrict internal SVN update when running
to last pushed revision (issue79, by ankon). -
Improved syncing of empty directories (issue77, by ankon, reported by billmichell).
hgpushsvn --keep-author
keeps author given in hg log when committing to SVN (by wwwjfy). -
Mercurial 1.7 compatibility (issue91, by easye).
hgsvn 0.1.8
Convert a local SVN checkout into a hgsvn controlled Mercurial repository with
hgimportsvn --local-only
. No network access is needed when setting this flag (aka airplane mode). The Mercurial history then starts with the current revision of the SVN checkout. Patch by Matt Fowles. -
Commit messages when pushing back to SVN can be edited before committing using the -e/--edit command line flag. Issue #29, patch by eliterr.
It's now possible to use
with the mq extensions. Bothhgpushsvn
abort with an error message if mq patches are applied when running those commands. Issue #43, patch by sterin.
Bug fixes:
Removal of temporary file when pushing new revisions to SVN on Windows fixed. Issue 8 reported by Daniel Dabrowski.
Changed 'hg log' command line arguments that interfered with default options in .hgrc file. Issue 12 reported by Simon Percivall, initial patch by Joel Rosdahl and issue 16 reported by Wladimir Palant.
is now compatible with Python 2.4. -
If a SVN changeset contains empty changeset comments,
has failed. Empty changeset messages are now handled correctly. -
SVN repositories at revision 0 couldn't be imported. Now it's possible to import empty SVN repositories with
. Issue #13 reported by tiktuk. -
failed when a non-empty directory was removed from version control. Issue #15 reported by Keith Yang. -
Proper encoding of commit messages on Windows systems. Issue #19 reported and patch by Chunlin Yao.
Change svn:executable property on mode changes when pushing back to SVN repository. Issue #24 reported by sterin.
Improved parsing of SVN messages. Issues #27, #14 patch contributed by x63.
whiped uncommitted changes in working directory. Issue #32 reported by foxcub. -
in dry-run-mode displayed latest fetched revision too. Issue #35 reported by Dmitriy Morozov. -
New sub-directories are now created properly. Issue #46 reported by Matt Fowles.
Several fixes by IanH: issue #64, #94, #95.
hgsvn 0.1.7
fully integrated in this version. This command pushes local Mercurial commits back to the SVN repository. -
Add a -n/--dry-run flag to
to list incoming and outgoing changes without committing them to the local or remote repository. -
Add verbosity levels to all command line scripts. The default verbosity level limits the output of
to messages that have a certain relevance to the user. Additional messages will be shown with the -v/--verbose flag. The --debug flag enables the output of debugging messages including shell commands.
Bug fixes:
Log files from SVN repositories with path-based authentication caused
to fail with an XML parsing error. Restricted paths are now silently ignored (issue5, reported by Andreas Sliwka). -
Updated the Mercurial-based lock file mechanism introduced in the previous release to work with Mercurial >= 1.2.0. The exception class was moved in Mercurial 1.2.0 (issue4).
can now be called from any sub-directory within the working copy. Both scripts now take care to change their working directory to the root of the working copy (issue3). -
exits with a error message when the target directory is already a Mercurial repository controlled by hgsvn. -
Detect conflicts when running SVN update. To avoid conflicts when pulling new SVN revisions,
checks if the hg repository has uncommitted changes before actually pulling new revisions from SVN (issue6, reported and initial patch by Robert).
hgsvn 0.1.6
Prefix commit messages with [svn r123] (where 123 is the corresponding SVN revision number), rather than just [svn]. Also, trim leading whitespace in the original commit message, to avoid blank changeset summaries when the message begins with a carriage return.
Introduce a .hgsvn private directory at the top of the working copy. This will us to store various things in a common location without polluting the base directory.
Introduce a lock file (named .hgsvn/lock) to disallow running two hgpullsvn instances in parallel on the same repository. The locking mechanism is imported from mercurial's own mercurial.lock. If the mercurial package is not available, a dummy lock is used instead. Initial patch by Ori Peleg.
Add a --no-hgignore option to hgimportsvn, for situations where the source SVN repository already contains a versioned .hgignore file. Patch by Ori Peleg.
hgsvn can now be bundled as standalone executables using py2exe. Patch by Paul Moore.
More descriptive error message when either hg or svn cannot be executed (e.g. not installed). Patch by Joonas Paalasmaa.
Bug fixes:
Very long commit messages (> 16000 characters) are provided to Mercurial through a temporary file rather than the command line, which could fail on some platforms. The corresponding commit messages were generated by svnmerge. Reported by Ralf Schmitt.
Filenames starting with a hyphen were considered by hg and SVN as command-line options. Report and patch by Mirko Friedenhagen.
If the last hg changeset mapped to more than one SVN revision, trying to update again with
failed. -
A replaced directory can have added and removed files without them being mentioned in the SVN log; we must detect those files ourselves.
More robust atomicity check for (hg commit, hg tag) sequence. Reported by Florent Guillaume.
Fix a bug when comparing local filesystem paths on Windows. We now invoke os.path.normcase on both paths before comparing. Reported by Pavol Murin.
hgsvn 0.1.5
- In the initial import, parse the svn:ignore property and add suggestions to the .hgignore file accordingly. These suggestions are commented by default because they are based on the latest version of the svn:ignore property and could make us miss some files along the SVN history, if enabled blindingly.
Bug fixes:
- Critical fix for Mercurial 0.9.5, which is stricter with named branches.
This bug made
fail when cloning from an auto-detected parent repository. - Honor the SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK environment variable when deciding the name
of private SVN folders (
). Thanks to Anton Daneika for the report and the original patch.
- Change setuptools options to solve bdist_rpm bug under Fedora and other Linux distributions. Patch by Tim Wegener.
hgsvn 0.1.4
- Be able to pull dead (removed) SVN branches by introducing a -p (--svn-peg) option to specify the SVN "peg revision". The option must be used with both hgimportsvn and hgpullsvn. Patch by Cameron Hutchison.
Bug fixes:
- Allow copying directories with non-ASCII names (reported by Andre Klitzing).
- Make rmtree reliable under Windows. Thanks to Mark (mwatts42) for finding both the bug and the solution.
- Fix a problem where there is a symbolic link in the SVN repository that points to a directory. Patch by Cameron Hutchison.
svn log
can output invalid XML when a commit message contains control characters. Reported by Tim Wegener.
- License upgraded to GNU GPL v3 (or later).
hgsvn 0.1.3
- Performance improvement with
svn log
command inhgpullsvn
(suggested by Mads Kiilerich and Daniel Berlin). - Less obscure error message when
svn info
fails while returning a successful return code. - Two simplistic man pages added.
Bug fixes:
- Windows compatibility fix by Bill Baxter.
failed when used on a whole repository.- Fix crash on empty commit message (also reported by Neil Martinsen-Burrell and Walter Landry).
- Handle file and directory renames properly (reported by Bill Baxter).
- SVN allows copying from a deleted file by having mixed revisions inside the working copy at commit time, but Mercurial doesn't accept it (reported by Neil Martinsen-Burrell).
hgsvn 0.1.2
- Automatically generate
file. Not only does it produce cleaner output for commands likehg status
, but it speeds things up as well. hgpullsvn
is more robust in the face of errors and user interruptions.- Try to be Windows-compatible by not using the commands module.
- Remove dependency on the pysvn library; we use the XML output option of SVN commands instead.
Bug fixes:
- Fix a bug in parent repository detection.
- Detect the wicked case where the SVN branch has been overwritten with contents of another branch (witnessed with Nose trunk and 0.10-dev branch). We can't properly handle this situation, so fail with an explicit message.
svn info
on base repository URL does not always succeed, use the specific project URL instead (reported by Larry Hastings).
hgsvn 0.1.1
Bug fixes:
- pysvn doesn't really ignore externals, so use the command line for
svn update
instead (otherwise we get failures for obsolete URLs) .svn
directories were not always ignored.- On large repositories, adding more than 32765 files at once failed because of too many arguments on the command line.
- On slow SVN servers, the chunked log fetching algorithm ended up asking for 0 log entries.
hgsvn 0.1
Initial release.